Gay groups denounce AZ immigration law
by (June 8th, 2010 @ 3:18pm)

PHOENIX -- More than 20 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality groups condemned Arizona's new immigration law Tuesday, saying it gives license to discriminate.

The groups issued a joint statement, saying, "Arizona's SB1070 takes the state down a path that will lead to racial profiling, discrimination and anti-immigrant extremism. We stand in solidarity with other individuals, organizations and local governments in rejecting the misrepresentation of immigrants put forth in this unjust and ill-conceived measure."

The statement continued: "SB1070 essentially declares an entire class of people to be inherently criminal on the basis of their race and appearance. The consequences of SB1070 are grave and troubling: the inevitability of racial profiling and infringement of civil liberties; the strong probability of violence and harassment against individuals and their families; and the reversal of progress toward creating a more inclusive society."

The groups said Gov. Jan Brewer, who signed the immigration bill, is the same governor who last year "stripped away" health insurance benefits from same-sex domestic partners of state employees.

"Brewer's actions as governor demonstrate, at best, callous indifference -- and, at worst, willful malice -- toward immigrants and LGBT people alike," the statement said.

It said all Arizona families have reason to be alarmed.

"The state's new law threatens to tear apart families, separate children from their parents and rip apart loving couples who are building their lives together."

The LGBT groups said they would join others in a boycott against Arizona until SB1070 is repealed or thrown out by the courts.