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Thread: ZJ Belt Squeak

  1. #41
    Lifetime Member Getting Dirty
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcoulter View Post
    I'm concerned to wait that long. If that thing locks up......
    If it were the water pump, that would be a concern.

    Quote Originally Posted by cico7 View Post
    ok. fine. if that were the case, you would have 25x3=nothing cause it's the water pump!
    I hope you are not trying to be funny or serious - I honestly hope you are trying to waste my time.

  2. #42
    Lifetime Member Getting Dirty Matt's Avatar
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    I've seen plenty of A/C compressors lock up and rip the belt....

  3. #43
    Senior Member Getting Dirty cico7's Avatar
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    AJ, until it's fixed, until you have it apart, you will not know for certain. I am not above or beyond
    wasting time, but I still believe, it's the waterpump. The AC still works correct? The heat works,
    correct? I think it would have siezed and stopped working by now (the AC) but it hasnt.

    Couple years ago I took my son's ZJ apart thinking a hose was bad because water suddenly flooded
    the engine compartment steaming everything. When we were putting it back together, the belts
    would not line up. The water pump belt was out of line. So I looked further and decided to take
    the pump off. There was no leak, no seep, the pulley did not line up.When I took it apart, the
    impellor had eaten 2/3 of the way through the housing.

    Looked as though it were made that way until I pushed the impellor back out.

    I wish i had a picture of it, but i was amazed.

    After we did replace everything, leak was not from the radiator hose, it was the cleanout insert
    someone installed to back flush the radiator.
    Last edited by cico7; 11-25-2011 at 11:53 AM.

  4. #44
    Senior Member Getting Dirty
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    At the risk of speaking too early, I went to the base auto shop and borrowed their stethoscope. I listened to every pulley and the only one that sounded off was the pully on the tensioner. WTF? I replaced it about 3 months ago. So now I'm thinking that instead of replacing just the pulley I'll replace the whole assy. Got it home and tried to take it off but I think when the dealer swapped the motor they jacked the bolt up. Great!

    Then I remembered I had the old pulley from a couple of years ago. Swapped that one on there and the noise went away! I'm going to find a better one from somewhere other than Autozone.

    Cliff notes: Go get an automotive stethoscope and check everything.

  5. #45
    Senior Member Getting Dirty
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    Well as I usually do I spoke to soon. Talked to a mechanic friend and he said to put some baby powder on the belt. If it kills the noise then it's the belt. Swear to God, baby powder.

    So I stopped on the way home and picked some up. With the motor off I put some, 1 tsp or so, on the top of the tensioner pulley. Started the Jeep up and no squeal! Holy crap! Stopped today and bought a new belt. Problem solved!

    That was a lot harder than it needed to be. lol That's just how I do things.

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