Looking good. That was a heckuva deal on those tires/wheels too!

I just hate those places like what you got stuck in. There's a hint of a road (or at least tracks) across a "pudding pit" that you can't even walk through, let alone drive. I swear those kind of places are purpose built booby-traps. Someone probably backed up and pulled forward to the mud pit a few times on each side so it looks like "it goes." Was there someone watching you with binoculars from a hillside?

One of the funniest things I'd ever seen was back in the good ol' days of mudding. (See my photos on the "old past rides" thread) We'd all get plastered with the roof and doors off, or at least keep the windows down. The snatch straps never got put away until we were back on pavement, because we stayed busy pulling each other out. One guy was staying dry, and we were calling him "Mr. Clean." He finally gets stuck in stuff like you did, except the Jeep was somewhat sideways on a ditch bank. Mr. Clean opens the door, and tries to jump to the ditch bank. He slips and falls, and slides under the Jeep and disappears - he was completely submerged in the stuff. He pops back up, and he was just a vague humanoid shape of dropping mud!