No because the suspension doesn't have enough down travel. The closest you'll get to a 'stacked' lift that some of us are running is the OME HD lift + an additional 1/4" spacer. Note that although i'm running this setup, I don't recommend it if you're not willing to replace balljoints/tie-rods/etc. I do all my own work and my own alignments, so replacing parts isn't as big of a deal to me.

To give you some quantitative data to support what I just said, I recently measured my suspension travel for another member. I measured my hub-to-fender distance at normal ride height, and then again with the suspension at full drop:
Normal ride height = 21.5
Full drop = 23.75

So I currently only have 2.25" of down travel. If we assume that i was just running my OME HD and took out the 1/4" spacer, both numbers would decrease by .5":
Normal ride height = 21
Full drop = 23.25

If you stacked a 2" spacer lift on top of the OME lift, your normal ride height would be ~23-23.25 and the suspension would be maxed out because at 23.75 my knuckle hits my strut... So you'd be slamming the knuckle into the strut with every bump you hit (assuming you'd even be able to get the lift installed, that would be a PITA to do):