Quote Originally Posted by adamag25 View Post
OK so I know that the idea of aftermarket flares has been beaten nearly to death and I know that a molded plastic replacement is just this side of impossible. That said i was reading this thread and looking out the window at my XK and I began to think (usually leads me to trouble). My first thought was that the design of the OEM flares leave them pretty flat to the body of the vehicle as far as the mounting surface is concerned. Second, the angle that the flare meets the body is nearly 90degrees at the top edge of the flare. My though on the issue is that rather than find a company to generate an expensive mold and take on a great deal of overhead we simply modify the existing flares. A material such as plastic or rubber that could be used as a "spacer" to fit between the OEM flare and the body would move the stock flares out as far as you would like for the thickness of your spacer... The multifaceted look of the OEM flare would allow you to add a material in either flush to the top edge of the flare or offset to create another step in the look of the flare. This would be a fairly cheap alternative to a completely new flare and even a possibility as a "home brew" project. This is just a rough draft as far as ideas go because issues like the meeting point at the front edge of the front flare and various other points would need to be addressed but worth at good thinkin over still.
this would not work because of the compound angles where it fits the fender to the body, it would have to be injection molded (which seems to be a problem due to low demand) or it would have to be several pieces that would probably not make for a clean reveal.

Quote Originally Posted by OurJeepLife View Post
Thanks El.. for the vote of confidence.. Thou I have a feeling this would be more of a personal venture for but the lotto would help get me started.. Even if I had these made for myself. I'm please at the out come. I'm just tired of these big companies pulling other ideas like mine on the back burner. Buchwacker and Warn already have the equipment and the names behind their products.. And because the Commander is a dyeing breed.. they would touch this with a ten foot pole. Because it doesn't fit into their "typically" idea for a jeep product. Besides I still have a few "Wrangler" projects I'm working on.. again Mold needed as well as the money to create the new product for them.
i believe you have answered your own question. why would a giant company (that obviously is well versed in when to cast a line and when you cut bait and run) want to invest the time and money into a vehicle that was not popular to begin with (not saying anything bad about commanders...) and that is being phased out? i know i wouldn't put together 50 of the bumpers i build hoping that there are potential customers.

in business there is something we call "ROI" that's the Return on Investment. just as an example - the rear bumpers i'm building have taken in excess of 120 hours to go from idea to production. that's the design, prototyping, fixtures & jigs, computer renderings blah blah blah. i have sold 3 besides the prototype. my profit margin is slim to keep them marketable. i will have to sell about a dozen before i make up for all the hours invested & then i will finally make a "profit".