Quote Originally Posted by Adondo View Post
I visualize the current Apple CEO swinging a pocket watch... "You're getting sleepy, sleeeeeepy. Buy iphone. Buy iiiiiiii phonnnnnne"

Then hundreds of zombies shuffling in a queue at iPhone stores everywhere: "I... phone. Ayyyyyyyyyy phonnnnnnnnnnnne" with their arms held up stiff out front, al-lah old Bela Lugosi movies.

Just sayin'
LMAO ah the haters I said this before its like a ford vs chevy argument if you think about it your not going to win the argument. I like my Iphone I've had three of them my daughter has a good smart phone 3d and all the bells and whistles. But once you're use to a certain interface and layout others just don't feel right. Does Iphone have major PITA problems or intentional blocks you bet but it does so much so well I guess you just put up with it.