Quote Originally Posted by ScorpionCrawler View Post
OUCH... from a north east Ohio guy.
Notice I said north east Ohio... not Cleveland..
Not sure why the hatred between the burg and Cleve.. It can't be football since we don't have a team.
Correction, we do have a team I forgot.....
BTW, I think my son is heading to college at Duquesene or Robert Morris...
WWagon, can you explain the stop sign at the end of a ramp when your getting on the highway? First time I've seen that...
Peace, Out
Your new friend in Cleve....if your allowed to have one.

BTW.. that women really took some grief, lines of traffic to see her and pressure for her to loose her police admin position at CSU..
The right thing to do....
Cool deal - I'm getting my Ph.D. at Duquesne. What's he studying - I may end up being one of his professors.

I'm 10 generations a TARHEEL - end-of-ramp stop signs are for locals; I accelerate to merging/overtaking speed when I come off a ramp!

Pittsburghers hate Cleveland, because in the NFL, we're the closest thing to a local rivalry, being in the same division, no less.