Went by today to talk to Jimmy about keeping it at his place a few more weeks. My other mechanic is down with a bad knee that he blew out pushing a Honda across the lot (I asked him, "If you can't push a Honda, how're you gonna push my RAMCHARGER?!?! :P )

Sure enough, it's BEEN painted!!!

In fact, he added the red factory pin stripe BACK to it, which set it off better than I thought it would. And it's two-tone again, although not QUITE like the factory had it. Here we go!

The top color, is a flat metalflake dark grey (the bright sunshine today played havoc with my auto-exposure - I only have one pic that really does it justice) - the bottom, a flat black. For flat colors (easy to touch up again after a good BRUSH run...), they really pop a LOT more than I expected them too (I was expecting more like the flat military colors of HUMVEES and Ma Dueces, than this!). Here's some more!