It's BRIGHT to say the least. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING out front is lit, even the tops of 40' trees.

In the caving world, such lighting is said to be a "comforting level" of light. It may be more than one light in a caving system, but the phrase "comforting level" means enough light to light up the floor, walls, ceiling, and push back the "dead black void" of the cave tube leading away from you to at least its next corner. That's what the LED light bars do, it lights up everything within 270 degrees of the front of the rig. And, by everything, I also mean every teeny-tiny pebble and rock in the pavement ahead for at least 1,000 feet.

It's also a lot better than the HID's because when they follow the high beams, they're on NOW, not 30 seconds later after they've fully ramped up.

And, run the lower bar and the upper bar together? OMG it's high noon in front of you.