Quote Originally Posted by The_War_Wagon View Post
WHILE you're still young... have you thought about the military? 11Bravo may not have a lot of civilian "applicability," but there are OTHER MOS's where you can learn some GREAT skills, earn your G.I. Bill benefits, and maybe - after 4 years of work in the motorpool - decide if that's REALLY what you want to do for a living.

The older I get, the more I regret not serving when I had the chance. 4 years might seem like a L-O-N-G time, but looking back - at just age 46 - I realize now how short that would've been, and how much further ahead in life I would've been, had I done that first...

Food for thought.

Yeah long story... I had a Navy Seal contract out of high school, made it to week 4-3 in boot camp, and got sent home cause I was prescribed ADHD medication while in high school. So military is kinda out of the picture. And also, I am a dependent of my Father, and being in South Carolina, I go to school for FREE and get $1000 every month from the VA as long as im enrolled in 12 credit hours.