lmao... you two can fight over the prototype set after Jon's done taking measurements

BUT this might be delayed a bit. I had a little chunk of change set aside to help fund my rear bumper and i had somewhat given up hope that I was ever going to get one. So the plan was to use that money to finally get a decent welder and put the rest of it plus some tax return money towards the superlift this spring.

Well as of yesterday it looks like Jon's serious about making bumpers again. If he can promise it's here before Christmas I may have to pull the trigger on that as priority #1 and that'll become my "winter vacation fun project" instead of these brackets.

I'll keep my eye out for a decent (but cheap $$) used welder... otherwise i'll use some of my tax return this spring to get the welder and start this project back up (and push the SL into next fall/winter)