Quote Originally Posted by 06blkhemi View Post
I'd like to just remove the rear ones,but not sure how the handling is going to be,with how top heavy our rigs are..
Haven't had mine on in about 4 months or so now. It's not even that noticable while on the street and doesn't sway noticably much different when at speed even when quickly turning the wheel. I drove to Georgia and back from houston with no issues as well as everywhere else i've been driving around. Probably about 6000 miles without the rears put on. I do notice when I go into my driveway which has a considerable bump that as my front drives over the whole jeep bumps sideways (usually one tire hits first and rocks the jeep to one side) but when my rears go up one at a time the jeep barely even moves as the axle can articulate without affecting the whole jeep as much.