Quote Originally Posted by WanderingTs View Post
Ghost towns with some sightseeing sounds like a great reason to get dirty!

Some of the runs last year ended up being pretty short, leaving half a day or so open. I don't see anything wrong with this, especially since it gives people flexiblity. On a Manx Dune Buggy rally I went to they had it set up where the second half of the day had advanced runs after the initial run for those who wanted to go a little more hardcore. I would love it if we were able to do the same one (or more) days. I love to push the edge a little bit, and doing that with the safety of other experienced XK owners around is even better. I barely used 4 low last year. I heard a rumor that El Cid and Ped4599 did a hard run the last day last year...but my vacation time had run out.

Is there anyone else coming who would like to try some sort of very advanced or hard trail later in one of the days? Does anyone have a good suggestion for a trail to fit this bill? I am not interested in going so hard that I am going to leave paint or parts somewhere along the trail, but I wouldn't mind pushing my XK to 80-90% of what it can do. A short distance but high challenge trail would probably be good if we only have half a day.
I will make my resverations this week & I awill be down with this as well. I would like to push mine to see what it will do, this is why I have spent the money for the mods & for this type of jeep.