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Thread: Transferable Winch

  1. #1
    Senior Member Getting Dirty HueyPilotVN's Avatar
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    Transferable Winch

    I have also determined that I want to mount the winch on a mount that allows me to move it from the front to the back or even to my motorhome or to my car transport trailer. I am getting the receiver mounted base shown below.

    I am getting several of these electrical wiring kits. One will run to the back of the Commander to power the winch if it is used there. These can also be used to remote power for such items as jumper cables or any other high amp 12 volt usage. I will also put a kits on the motorhome and the car transport trailer.

    This is the master shutoff for the electrical connectors.

    This is a cover fot the winch although I plan on keeping it in the storage compartment that replaced my third seat.

    Last edited by HueyPilotVN; 06-21-2010 at 02:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Getting Dirty HueyPilotVN's Avatar
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    Lee and I and two neighbors went on a long trail ride today. They have a large ATV and we took the Commander. We went everywhere that they could go with one exception. In a canyon far back in the mining area we tried to drive over some very large rocks that were too close together. With no way to go forward we used our winch in a cradle on the back receiver to pull us backwards and off the rocks. Got a trail scar on our nerf bar. Other than that minor hiccup we had a great day. Saw lots of old mines and the desert was covered in wild flowers. On the way out I had a rattle and discovered that the right rear shock was hanging. Somehow we lost the lower bolt. I used the pin from my tire carrier and a hitch clip to temporarily fix it, worked, got home about an hour ago. I will tell the story with the following 14 pictures.

    The desert had millions of flowers of all colors, everywhere you looked.

    All colors, yellow, red, purple, white,

    The first stop was an old mine with cyanide pits for leeching gold from ore.

    The old mine roads led everywhere. Most of the side roads led to old mines.

    Our neighbors brought there three dogs along on their ATV.

    This is what was staring back at us all day.....LOL

    There were lots of caves and mine shaft, many were filled in.

    Barrel cactus were all over the hills, millions of them.

    Many of the hills were steeper than they look in this picture. Had no trouble with traction.

    Last edited by HueyPilotVN; 06-21-2010 at 02:50 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Getting Dirty HueyPilotVN's Avatar
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    Now for the money shots. We drove to the top of a mountain. Funny story, three dirt bikes riders stopped on the way out and told me " no way can you get to the top of that mountain. See the second picture...LOL

    The view from the top.

    We tried to go down a wash that had no tracks in it, Found out why, big rocks close together. I tried to drive over them and got hung up an a large one that broke in pieces and raised my nerf bar.

    Glad that my winch works from either end. I used it to pull myself back off the rocks. As I now look at this picture I can see that the shock was already loose before I got hung up on the rocks.

    I had to use a large buried rock in the wash to anchor my hook using a strap around the rock.

    Thats my story, and I'm sticking to it.

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