From the discussions I have had do not by this lift yet at least. There are not enough details on it yet there 4" lift is in the prototype stage anyway I believe. But they do not have a drop down bracket for the front diff as of yet. Give them some time to iron all the bugs out. At last word they were changing the springs on the lift because the first set did not give them the a full 4" lift. The one you're looking at I think is there old one I would wait for them to finish what they have going before purchasing the kit. Right now the SL is the best complete kit on the market. That being said the best 4" lift you can get would be a combination of three different lifts right now. Most the Sl lift with some pieces from rusty's lift and throw in JBA UCA's and adjustable front struts is the best way right now but I'm not sure you could get those individual pieces from those places. If the SL list is not what you were expecting I recommend waiting to see what JBA'a final product will be