Brewer chooses attorney for SB1070 appeal

by (June 6th, 2011 @ 11:31am)

PHOENIX -- Gov. Jan Brewer has chosen attorney Paul D. Clement as legal counsel for the appeal of Senate Bill 1070 to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Clement was solicitor general under President George W. Bush.

"Mr. Clement has an impeccable nationwide reputation for his expertise in appellate and constitutional litigation," Brewer said Monday. "He is well-suited to lead our excellent legal team as we advance Arizona's appeal to the Supreme Court."

She added, "Mr. Clement has argued some of our nation's most significant legal cases, and I'm extremely confident in his abilities. I'm optimistic the Supreme Court will choose to hear our defense of SB1070 and certain that Mr. Clement will serve the state of Arizona well."

Arizona plans to ask the Supreme Court to lift an injunction that prevents major parts of SB1070, aimed at curbing illegal immigration, from taking effect. The injunction was issued by a federal judge in Phoenix and upheld by a panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Clement is a partner at Bancroft PLLC in Washington, D.C. He is regarded as one of the nation's premier attorneys in practing before the Supreme Court.