Quote Originally Posted by TrialByFire View Post
Sorry no exhaust pics today. It's been raining here all day.

As for the FlowMaster sound level, it is pretty noticable on acceleration (even minor acceleration) but at a steady speeds it is about as quiet as the OEM setup--though I haven't had it on the freeway yet.

Jon, you should have done the trail. It is one of the best I've done so far and ranks right up there with the best Moab has to offer. The particular obstacle that grabbed my muffler has a lot of different lines and a couple of winch points. It was definately the hardest point on the trail but the only one without a bypass (the FS closed it off).

Yes, I do need new bumpers but it will be a while. I'll probably do the rear first so I have a place to mount my 33" spare.
I told you this was a trail that you should try if you get a chance. I knew you would like it. I did warn you though about possible damage!
SOOOO.....Did you have a winch with you this time? did you need a winch to get up the "wall"?....were you able to make it up or did you go back down?

Hope you had fun.
