Quote Originally Posted by Adondo View Post
Got home late Saturday. We went around Bonneville Salt flats, then up 93 from Wells Nevada. 1,886 miles total in the motorcoach. Didn't keep track in the Jeep, but I'd guess 300 or so miles, mostly off road.

The horrendous tire "ripping" noise was torn plastic fender liners which were getting raked by the tire tread just like playing cards stuck in a kid's bike spokes. Totally harmless, yet sounded really BAD!

I'm gonna try a link here to Flickr. It SHOULD open an album page with 101 photos. If it works, you should be able to click the slideshow button, and sit back and enjoy.
Adondo or anyone else, what was the body of water in pic 2618 and 2619?
Pretty amazing color and why the fence....Thanks for sharing.